Chair: Steve Morris
Registered Charity No.1095119
u3a stands for the University of the Third Age – the Third being a reference to that time of life when you give up full time employment and choose to do things that you may have always fancied trying but so far had no time or opportunity to indulge.
u3a is a self help organisation for people no longer in full time employment providing educational, creative and leisure opportunities in a friendly environment. The word university is used solely in the sense of people coming together and no academic or professional qualifications are required for membership.
There is a national, regional and local organisation structure, of which Morpeth and District u3a is one of many in the UK. Each is a charity in their own right and is run entirely by their members on a voluntary basis. Local u3as are learning cooperatives which draw upon the knowledge, experience and skills of their own members to organise and provide interest groups, in accordance with the wishes of their membership. “The teachers learn and the learners teach”.
Morpeth and District u3a was formed in 1995 through the efforts of Brian Stephenson. Membership has risen to well over 200 and we have around 30 Activity/Interest Groups click Groups above to see details. If you have any queries about group activities please click Contact above and send an email to the Groups Co-ordinators.
Our membership year is from 1st September to 31st August and upon joining members are issued with a membership handbook which gives the schedule of monthly meetings. The Membership fee for the 2024/5 season is £10.00 for individuals and £18.00 for couples. Associate membership is £6.00 for individuals and £12.00 for couples. Associates are full members of one other u3a. Anyone joining after March will pay half the annual fee. If you require further information or are interested in joining us please get in touch with our Membership Secretary by clicking Contact at the top of this page and send an email.
Click here to go to the Northumbria Region website.